(c) Photo: Istem Ozen Ruber


Master´s projects and master´s groundwork preparation presentations

On today’s round table meeting, Fredie and Lale presented their Master’s Project, and Thanos presented his Master’s Project Groundwork.


Thanos works on short stories featuring different fictional characters with unexpected personalities, finding themlseves in confusing situations. Referring to psychologist Friedemann Schulz von Thun, he tackles presenting one’s "inner team members" as such characters. Some other concepts he refers to are sociologist and social psychologist Erving Goffman’s "personality aggregates and inner democracy", and botanist and evolutionary biologist Boris Kozo-Polyansky’s "symbiogenesis". He then projects these concepts on to the current political climate in Europe; specifically Greece, Austria and Germany, where he plans field work during the upcoming EU elections, seeing the political candidates as such characters of a story or as one of the personalities confined inside a person. As media, he contemplates creating comics inspired by the video game genre "battle royale".


The key aspect of Fredie’s work is "walking". She uses this as a tool to tackle Marc Augé’s concept of "non-place", and asks the question: "Why is non-place so essential for our modern cities?" During her fieldwork in Vienna, she explores various city structures such as airports or transport networks, and questions her daily routine, what she finds familiar, how her walking speed changes, etc.; and in return tackles how "ego" and "identity" relates to this topic. Some other key features of her work are "getting lost" and use of "desire lines". As media, she plans an installation in the form of object mapping.


Lale presented the progress on using e-colie bacteria as ink for print making. She wants to enhance this technique to allow sponge cells to be printed. What she finds special about sponge cells is their ability to act both independently and as a group. She is also drawn to the randomness of the structures they form, those that are not specialized for one specific function, as well as their ability to migrate and form aggregates. She considers implementing text and sound as parts of her installation work to complement the prints.

April 09, 2019, 9:30h
Salzgries 14, 1010 Vienna