(C) 2014 Adrijan Karavdic


Field research

Margit Busch

Margit Busch started her presentation on “Transdisciplinarity in practice” with a definition of “transdiciplinarity”. “Trans” in this context has several meanings. It refers to something that is across disciplines, between  disciplines and beyond all disciplines. The concept beyond transdisciplinarity involves a new form of learning and the creation of new knowledge through cooperation among different groups. Following the methods proposed by the transdiciplinarity researcher Daniel Tijink, Margit demonstrated some practical techniques that can facilitate the dialog in transdisciplinary groups. Furthermore Margit presented the “DANUBE DAY” meeting, which will be organised by her, Matilde Igual Capdevila, Ana Daldon and Benedict Endler on the 17th of May along the Danube. At the event the first year students of Art&Science (University of Applied Arts, Vienna) and the students of the Doctoral School of Sustainable Development (University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna), that have been collaborating since the beginning of the academic year, will discuss and try out methods of “transdisciplinarity in practice” that can serve as catalysts for future transdisciplinary collaboration.

Adrijan Karavdic

In the second part of the session Adrijan Karavdic showed us the results of his research on terrorism and terroristic organisations. He focused his investigation on how terrorist organisations use videos for transmitting messages and documenting actions in very diverse ways. Furthermore he presented a terrorist-style video message, which he is making for the final year event, that the first year students of Art&Science are organising with the students of the Doctoral School of Sustainable Development (University of Natural Resources and Life Science, Vienna).

Maria Christina Hilber

In the last part of the session Maria Christina Hilber showed the evolution of her project presenting some tools she is using offered by the Massachusetts Technology Institute and by the Quanta Research Cambridge. These tools offer the possibility to analyse videos and amplify some video parameters. For example it is possible to amplify the motion or the colours of the videos. Furthermore Maria described more in detail the development of the concept of her project. She is collaborating with the Forschungsinstitut für Wildtierkunde und Ökologie (FIWI) for her project. Her intention is to compose a transmediale work, which includes audio parts, video parts and speech performances.

May 08, 2014, 09:30h