(c) Design by Ivonne Gracia (vOn) and Monica C. LoCascio

WORK OUT #3: Interference Practice

Exhibition - first years students

What is an entity? In the tradition of Aristotelian classification systems, it is mainly defined by its characteristics: a star system by its extent and parts, a muscle by its shape and function, a personality by its substructure. Monica LoCascio, Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi, and Laura Stoll approach the question of entity differently: through interrelatedness, repetition, and process they explore the continuity that emerges from the interference of different practices instead of the increasingly hollow claim of object ontology.
Works by Monica LoCascio, Zsuzsa Rózsavölgyi, Laura Stoll
Cooperation partner: Lucie Strecker (Principal investigator PEEK/FWF, The Performative Biofact, University of Applied Arts Vienna)

Interference Practice Artist Statements

MONICA LoCASCIO is researching questions of resonance, connection and interference patterns, particularly within and between bodies. This exhibition will feature supporting works for her sculpture The Great Wall, a piece exploring how structure is defined and formed in deep space, which will be presented at the Our Place in Space exhibition at the Naturhistoriches Museum later this year.

ZSUZSA RÓZSAVÖLGYI is researching the in-between structures of human anatomy, tissues that connect the individual parts, wrap them and protect them, collect, store and distribute information in the body. It is a living documentation device and we are experienced archivists. The performance disperses this reservoir of knowledge and looks for future possibilities.
LAURA STOLL is researching questions of personal identity - we perceive ourselves to be one person from cradle to grave, although this is hard to conceptualize using classical philosophical terms. Through her inquiry, pinning down a person with the help of personality questionnaires as used in clinical contexts, consulting and lifestyle magazines is contrasted with rituals inclined to eliminate or sublimate the individual.


more pictures of the opening

(c) Peter Kainz

WORK OUT #3: Interference Practice
June 05, 2018, 18:00h
Seminarraum 23 on Zwischengeschoss (ZG) at Annex Vordere Zollamtsstraße 3, 1030 Vienna