
Despret, Vinciane, `The Body we Care for: Figures of Anthropo-zoo-genesis, Body and Society'

Text Presentation in video format

This text presentation in video format based on the paper of Vincienne Despret, focuses on the value of mixed methods and approaches for researching questions about social experiences and lived realities.

Mixed-methods approaches are rising challenges in reconciling different epistemologies and ontologies, and integrating different forms of data and knowledge.


Despret’s retold stories turn out to be about clever bodies and things, which, at the very edge of apprehension, attune themselves to one another: an interactive agency that we can call ‘learning to be affected’.


Sabina Teichert


Fact Box

Despret, Vinciane, `The Body we Care for: Figures of Anthropo-zoo-genesis, Body and Society'
Part of
June 21, 2012