(C) 2015 Marwa Sarah

New Generations Atlas

In this project, the idea behind the Voodoo doll will be presented in a slightly different light.

The doll will be used to show how we (the people) are targeted by capitalists, bourgeois, negative globalization, and nationalism. It will also show how they separate and weaken us with wars, economy, drugs, money, disease, and religions...

The sculpture will be in the shape of a voodoo doll in actual human size and hung by the neck. The doll will be filled with paper and covered with the Atlas map, with pins sticking into specific points of interest on the map.

Each place on the map will have a different subject and by attaching them to the ritualistic pins point it will demonstrate the problems that each country suffers.

Fact Box

New Generations Atlas
January 27, 2015