(C) Lale Rodgarkia-Dara. Photograph: Nemanja Popadic

This Strange Feeling of a Corrected Uncertainty Margin

Sound on a Directed Ultrasound Loudspeaker; Parallel balance fails, if the analog interpreter decides on a different path. Augmented ecology breaks any kind of meaningful decisiveness by allowing anarchistic creation. This information is taken from technocratic systems of noti cation in digital contexts. Digital data will be treated anarchically by ignoring its original purpose and forcing it to be translated into sound. Binary data does not know its function by heart. It always relies on the interpreter’s remedy. In turn, the interpreter is reliant on the information, which the data provides by itself. This creates a circle of dependency, ostensible without contradictions. An apparent cohesion reveals the fragility of 0 and 1.

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This Strange Feeling of a Corrected Uncertainty Margin
June 02, 2016