

Field Research

This week’s roundtable was marked by two detailed presentations by Matéusz Kula and Juliana Herrero. Matéusz Kula presented several of his past projects. Firstly presented was the fictional graffiti group “OSAD” that is leading a “battle” against modernization in its hometown Krakow. The group works with ephemeral materials such as soap and butter, and create small interventions throughout the city. The most impressive was undoubtedly the one where they collected a day’s leftover fat and oil from random restaurants and spilled it over the walls of nearby façades. Next shown was a new video piece as well as a series of collages made from finding various shapes in the street. These are either transformed repetitively into patterns or as figurative and abstract objects. “Kothabasis”, a collaboration with Jan Sochle was next in line, and finally the work “Jeff Koons’ Gloves”, a work where he intervened on existing works of art in the scope of an exhibition.
The extensive artistic works of Juliana Herrero marked the second half of the roundtable spanning from architectural projects, installations, videos and sculptures. The presentation started off with more recent works such as “Infinitesimal” and “Acoustic Cloud Remix”. Both conceptually interconnected, the works deal with limits in the scope of the triangulation of form where the boundaries as to what is inside or outside were blurred. Working with triangulation, a shape can be modified and reconstructed in many ways resulting in a sort of “shapeless form”. The work was expanding from the project as to how to solve the problem of acoustics in the Art and Science studio. Following this were works done in Vienna and throughout Europe, either individually or in collaboration. A very personal and autobiographic perspective marks other installations and videos by Juliana, playing with language, emotional landscapes as well as the relationships between inside/outside, interior/exterior and private/public.


April 18, 2013, 9:30h