(C) Adrijan Karavdic


Atlas Making

Individuals presented an abstract for the discipline that their Atlas will be about:
  • Adrijan: Irrational fears
  • Christoph: How everyday love transforms people
  • Stefanie: The strata left/resulting from humans in the Earth's geology
  • Margit: Transmutatics
  • Denise: The relation between conversation/interviewing styles and medical compliance
  • Michaela: What type of patient is presupposed in medical forms
  • Kilian: Are the structures that build and make our society in any way eco­friendly?
Anna Sophie-Santer then presented her project 'Aquaintance with Anna Santner'. Research into her name (orgins/spread in different countries) lead her to other Anna Santners in Vienna, then using information from cemetries she found the location of those deceased and made a stop-motion film of her approach towards each grave.

December 16, 2014, 09:30h