(c) Matilde Igual Capdevila



In order to prepare for this year’s projects and the scheduled visits to HEPHY and CERN this session was conceived as an exchange of first ideas regarding the topics we will deal with.

Here are some of the questions, proposals and raw sketches we discussed (note that the names are the students who brought up a certain topic of discussion, the notes show the points of view both of said student and of the rest of the class discussing the idea)


Raphael and Marko:

What can the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) do and what can’t it do?

It can’t collide a Neutron and a Proton.


Colliding: interventions, performance. An expedition.

How was life ON the LHC before/while it was built?


Magnets/ circulation of energy



Arts at CERN

A marketing decision? A communication tool? A need for legitimacy?


Is CERN a bubble? How open is it? Does it communicate with the oiutside? Who gets to be inside? Who stays outside?



Creativity- interviewing nuclear energy experts. Suggestions: Opacity. Discourse Analysis. Other methods for interviews.

Catastrophes in Art, for instance Yves Klein body paintings after Hiroshima ( 1 )

Parnoïa and science/ Creativity in paranoïa



What’s the relation between observed and observers.

Super 8 film

Toward a History of Epistemic Things: Synthesizing Proteins in the Test Tube Book by Hans-Jorg Rheinberger (1 )



Detecting magnetic and electro-magnetic fields with a phone and a compass



How to research the transfer of data/ Components

Cyborg manifiesto by Donna Haraway (1)



Processing and digesting



Within her interest in pain, she is interested in Plants, however she does not want to project human feelings on them. She is also researching aspects such as the divisibility of plants.

She is taking as one point of reference Gustav Theodor Fechner’s writings on the matter, but also the art of arranging flowers.

Another reference could be: The Secret Life of Plants (1973) a book by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, or the documentary bearing the same title, here



Following her research on cell-division, she asks which kind of atoms do they use for research. She also presented a mind-map and talked about Hans Driesch and Stéphane Leduc


At the end of the session reading offerings were made by Bernd:

Acting in an Uncertain World: An Essay on Technical Democracy by Michel Callon, Pierre Lascoumes and Yannick Barthe. - Chapter 2: Secluded Science -

Epistemic Cultures by Karin Knorr Cetina