
“The Great World Theatre. 90 Years of the Salzburg Festival”

Excursion to checkpointmedia

Following an introduction by Virgil Widrich, Agnes Hannes talks about “curating” in the cultural field. On the basis of the exhibition “The Organized World Theater. 90 Years of the Salzburg Festival”, realized by checkpointmedia in 2010, Agnes Hannes points out essential questions, strategies and opportunities of the curating-process: How to develop a storyline for an exhibition? From which point of view is the story told and, in particular, who is the target audience? Are there any main objects? How can the visitors' point of view be directed? Which forms of education can be applied? Are the texts understandable? Together with the students of Art & Science these questions are being discussed and debated by means of sketches, screen-plays, formation of content on the walls, object lists and construction photographs of the selected exhibition.


Photo Salzburg Museum, Peter Laub





“The Great World Theatre. 90 Years of the Salzburg Festival”
November 24, 2011, 10:00h
Haus der Musik Seilerstätte, 1010 Vienna