(C) 2015 Mato Lagator

Who Wants To Be A Doctor?

‘Who wants to be a doctor?’ is a project exploring the steps one must take in order to become a doctor. The focus is, however, not on the formal education that makes a medical practitioner but rather on the social rules and regulations that govern how a large hospital operates. It is a project about unwritten social norms, and about the process of indoctrination of a doctor. The goal of the project is to elucidate the ubiquity of the pressures to conform in all walks of life, achieved by inviting the visitors to reflect on the differences between their reactions to described situations, and the reactions of doctors collected through surveys and interviews.
A visitor will be taken on an immersive journey within a game-like environment, with the ultimate goal of becoming a doctor. Situations will be created that position the visitor on a path of indoctrination that a doctor must take, forcing visitors to change themselves in order to fit in, and experiencing frustration of a new employee in a large hospital environment. The final stage of the project involves collecting and contrasting the responses of doctors and those of visitors who find themselves in recreations of real situations. 
The project will involve a physical or a digital gaming environment, mixed with performance.


Fact Box

Who Wants To Be A Doctor?
January 27, 2015