Presentation: Anna Lerchbaumer. Photograph: Brishty Alam


Sound I Caring.

1. Sound Topic

Daniela presented the work "SOLO DE VIOLIN" by Mario Opazos. In this piece the artist instals a violin high above the ground so that it is played by the wind. The installation was done in southern Chile and is linked to people that disappeared in this part of the American continent. The sound of the violin is a poetical representation of the voices of this persons.
Anna's presentation was about sound and architecture? she introduced us with the "Poème électronique" (electronic poem) composed by Edgard Varèse for the Pavilion designed by Le Corbusier at the 1958 Brussels World’s Fair.
Barbara presented an acoustic approach to the subject of pain by reference to the radio feature work "Pressures of the Unspeakable" (1991) by Gregory Whitehead. He founded an imaginary "Institute for Screamscape Studies" in Sidney, where people were asked to call on a hotline and scream. For the broadcast a selection of the collected screams were edited and assembled with Whiteheads commentaries on "scream theory".

Maria gave us an example of how sound is already used in modern media to optimise the way of conveying a message. In the article she presented, "Fractions of a Second: An Olympic Musical" (2010), Amanda Cox demonstrates how the crucial informations of Olympic races become more evident by making them audible.
Lale was talking about sonification? she presented the work "Herzkammer" by Ulla Rauter and recommended "The Sonification Handbook" (by Th. Herrmann, A. Hand & J. G. Neuhoff). She also demonstrated the work "Firebirds" by Paul DeMarinis and the use of plasma speakers. In this connection she mentioned Otto Neurath, an Austrian philosopher of science and political economist. Another issue of her presentation was "sonic warfare", the use of extremely loud sound as a weapon, where she referred to the book "Sonic Warfare: Sound, Affect and the Ecology of Fear" by Steve Goodman.

Julian's subject was sound in anthropology? he introduced us with the Namibian clicking language and the text "But what if we had never seen a word" by Tim Ingold.
Irene presented the study "Acoustics evaluation of vertical greenery systems for building walls" (2010) about the question how vertical greenery changes sound and affects sound. The result of the study was that the greenery walls can reduce low and middle frequencies. The more a wall is covered with green plants, the more sound reduction is gained.
  1. Care Topic

Mato presented his project for the care chapter "Care for the Others", asking: What is power in a relationship between two people? He is interested in the differences between introverts and extroverts and in the moral implications of this difference. He wants to find out more about the power dynamic between introverts and extroverts and how this dynamic is related to the social environment.
Anna presented her project for the care chapter "Care for the Future"? she is interested in questions of surveillance, in the tension between care and control and how this relation wil develop in the future. She asks: How do we want to live together in terms of surveiloance­ and technology­questions.
Maria' project deals with Caring and Displacement? she asks: How can we discuss this ongoing displacement of people and goods. She is interested in surveillance and technology in the context of protection and care. She wants to take a closer look on digital nomadism, on urban nomads? but she is also interested in the question: how can we become invisible today. Her project could be part of the chapter "Care for Instruments", "Care for the Social" or "Care for the Future."

December 01, 2015, 09:30h