

Typography design

In this project I wanted to re­present Vaghintara (Mongoli­an vertical writing adapted to Buryat language. This font was used only between 1905-1917) as a symbol of the past, the cul­tural assimilation without loss of national identity. Analy­sing different traditions makes it easier to see differences rather than identical aspects, however I am particularly fo­cused on similarities and how different cultures can influ­ence each other. These simp­le observations inspired me to connect Vaghintara with illust­rations in general and Old Rus­sian “Vyaz” (ornamental script) in particular. The style of il­lustrations comes from Buddhist thangkas. Images of animals and plants imitate the forms of the words written in Vaghintara.

Fact Box

October 24, 2018, 18:00h